Top 5 Housework That Burns Calories and Fat Effectively

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Top 5 Housework That Burns Calories and Fat Effectively. Doing housework isn’t just about making your house clean, you know? Cleaning your house also helps you exercise and saves you money on going to the gym. Although electrical appliances can help ease the burden of housework, moving around a bit is also good for your health, especially during hot weather. Doing housework is a great option.

Top 5 Housework That Burns Calories and Fat Effectively

Top 5 Housework That Burns Calories and Fat

1. Gardening or working in a garden is an activity that helps with good health both physically and mentally. Doing activities such as raking leaves, pulling weeds, or cutting grass can burn up to 200-400 calories per hour. In addition, touching the soil while gardening is also beneficial to the โปรโมชั่น ufabet body. Using bare hands to touch the soil helps balance various processes in the body, helps control weight, and strengthens mood.

2. Cleaning the bathroom is like a full-body workout. Scrubbing, mopping, wiping, and cleaning the bathroom can burn 150-300 calories per hour.

3. Vacuuming is also a form of exercise. Did you know that pushing and pulling a vacuum cleaner can burn 150-300 calories per hour, depending on your weight and how hard you work?

4. Wiping the window is a very effective exercise. Stretching and wiping the window works many muscles, allowing us to burn 100-200 calories per hour.

5. Washing and drying clothes is also a form of exercise. Bending, lifting, and moving around while washing clothes can burn 100-200 calories per hour.